I poke Badgers in the eye's with spoon's and dismember earthworms.
mark hughes
JoinedPosts by mark hughes
What Do You Do For Fun?
by minimus inpersonally, i love music, especially live music.
i often go on weekends to listen to r&b, soul, funk, etc.
what do you enjoy doing?
Hi Everyone
by wasted-youth ini was a jw only for about ten years, but they covered my teens to mid-20s.
i still have problems sorting out what i really think about life, religion, evolution and so on.
i also feel i was completely robbed of my 'wild years' and have never really lived.
mark hughes
Hi wasted-youth it's good to have you here. I was much the same as you, late at night, typed ex-jw into Google and glad I did.
I look forward to reading you're posts.
by juni in.
kick back w/a glass of wine and enjoy!!!!!.
New "Drive Thru" cash dispensers
by mark hughes in2. wind down your car window.
3. insert your card into machine and enter pin.
5. retrieve card, cash, and receipt.
mark hughes
Sorry about this one Sisters....Ladies I mean.
Halifax Building Society is very pleased to announce that they are installing new "Drive Thru" Cash Dispensers.To enable customers to gain maximum benefit from this new facility they have conducted intensive behavioural studies to come up with the appropriate procedures for their use.
AS FOLLOWS:Procedures for MALE customers
1. Drive up to the cash machine
2. Wind down your car window
3. Insert your card into machine and enter PIN
4. Enter amount of cash required and withdraw
5. Retrieve card, cash, and receipt
6. Wind up window
7. Drive offProcedures for FEMALE customers
1. Drive up to the cash machine
2. Reverse the required distance to align car window with cash machine
3. Re-start the stalled engine
4. Wind down the window
5. Find handbag, remove all contents onto passenger seat to find card
6. Turn the radio down
7. Attempt to insert card into machine
8. Open car door to allow easier access to cash machine due to its excessive distance from the car
9. Insert card
10. Re-insert card the right way up
11. Re-enter handbag to find diary with your PIN number written on the inside back page
12. Enter PIN
13. Press "cancel", and re-enter correct PIN
14. Enter amount of cash required
15. Check make-up in rear view mirror
16. Retrieve cash and receipt
17. Empty handbag again, to locate purse and place cash inside
18. Place receipt in back of chequebook
19. Re-check make-up
20. Drive forward 2 metres
21. Reverse back to cash machine
22. Retrieve card
23. Re-empty handbag, locate card holder, and place card into slot provided
24. Restart stalled engine and pull off
25. Drive for 2 to 3 miles
26. Release handbrake. -
This Year The Push Is REALLY On To Invite EVERYONE To The Memorial!
by minimus inthe word's out to invite anyone and everyone-----as this could be the last celebration (per my mother as she heard it at the hall).
mark hughes
I'm still waiting for an invite too. The last time I was invited was 2 years ago by an elder who was at my D'fing! That was 12 years after being D'fd!
by LDH in.
i rented this last night and really loved it.. have any of you blokes and sheilas seen it, then, and what did you think?
by frogginator inhey, just thought i'd do a quick intro, share some song lyrics that have spoken to me, and then have a look around.
my name's erin/froggi, and i've been disfellowshipped for 4 years, since i was 19 years old.
i was raised a jw, and my homelife was actually quite idyllic, typical 50s sitcom stuff, like the cleavers.
Another Newbie :)
by merfi init's hard to know where to begin, so i'll just... begin.. i had my first encounter with jw in high school when my now ex-husband moved into our small town.
(you're doing the math already, aren't ya?
:) ) after finding out he was a jw, i did a little bit of reading into it, which he discouraged... told me that that stuff is "apostate" (i had no idea what that meant) and that he'd give me stuff to read.
UK speed camera's worrying info
by mark hughes inhad a speeding fine?.
very handy site to find out.. road traffic speed camera's.
following the governments freedom of information act you can now get access to speed camera offences registered in the last 12 months.
mark hughes
Ballistic if you click on "need a log-in" you will instantly be given a username and password you may not of had any fines but it will show any pictures of your car on the database. Give it a try.
mark hughes
To ex-jws? No because we are all in a unique position whether dis'fd, dis'assd or just left we have all escaped from a mind and life controlling cult and have or are coming out the other side. Some people don't find that easy and if a site like this can make the journey a bit easier then that's why people come here. To help or to be helped.
To existing jw's? No because they wouldn't be here if they didn't have doubts about their beliefs and they can find answers to their doubts.
To the WTBTS? Yes because they are a profit orientated organisation and a loss of a member is a loss of earnings. Also as they know that their beliefs of a paradise earth etc is just a pipe dream, and that it doesn't take a genius to work that out, more and more people are coming here to find the real TRUTH THAT WILL SET YOU FREE.